
Main endpoint for club related stuff.

Type API Description
GET api/v1/club/getbankaccountsbyclubid/{clubId}

Get all bank accounts for specific organizer.

GET api/v1/club/getbyid/{orgId}

No documentation available.

POST api/v1/club/create

Create a new club.

POST api/v1/club/update

Update an existing club


Main endpoint for order related stuff.

Type API Description
GET api/v1/order/getbyaffiliateid/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets a list of orders for a specific affiliate.

GET api/v1/order/getbyclubid/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets a list of orders for a specific club.

GET api/v1/order/getbyeventid/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets a list of orders for a specific event.


Type API Description
GET api/v1/participant/getbyorderid/{orderId}

Gets participants from event.Not deleted participants and unfinished payments

GET api/v1/participant/getparticipantlist/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets participants from event.Not deleted participants and unfinished payments


Main endpoint for event related stuff.

Type API Description
POST api/v1/event/createsimple

Create simple event

GET api/v1/event/getwithattributes/{id}

Gets data and form attributes for a single event

GET api/v1/event/getparticipantlist/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets participants from event.Not deleted participants and unfinished payments TODO duplicate of GetParticipantList from participantController

POST api/v1/event/getevents

No documentation available.

POST api/v1/event/search

No documentation available.

GET api/v1/event/getupcomingbyclubid/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets a list of upcoming events for a specific club.

GET api/v1/event/getpreviousbyclubid/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets a list of previous events for a specific club.

GET api/v1/event/getupcomingbyaffiliateid/{id}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Gets a list of upcoming events for a specific Affiliate.


Main endpoint for settlement related stuff.

Type API Description
GET api/v1/settlement/getallbyclubid/{clubId}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Get all settlements for specific organizer.

GET api/v1/settlement/getbysettlementid/{settlementId}

Get single settlement with details for specific organizer.

GET api/v1/settlement/refunds/automatic/{clubId}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Get automatic refunds for specific organizer.

GET api/v1/settlement/refunds/manual/{clubId}?take={take}&skip={skip}

Get manual refunds for specific organizer.